Monday, 31 May 2010

All Change...

Gosh. So I'm epic-ally shit at blogging. But it will get better, I promise. I think the last time I posted was February, and I was about to go snowboarding, start a new job and generally tick things off the all-important 'list'. Things never seem to go according to plan with me though - in fact, life has gone so spectacularly off course I'm wondering how to bring things back on track - and I reckon the only way now is to tick a couple of things off and crack on.
So, I learnt how to snowboard properly. I'm still rubbish, but I can do it with some degree of style, and as far as I'm concerned, one run followed by two beers in the bar (and the rest) is a pretty darned good way of going about things.
Unfortunately, Paul and I split not long after our holidays. It was sad, because he was a very sweet man, but not the one for me, and I reckon you just get to an age where you realise there's no point in wasting anyone's time any more - if it's not working then pack it up and move on. So now I have my gorgeous flat to myself, and me and Biggy (the bunny of joy) are loving it.
So all is quiet on the boy front, which is how I like it really - nobody to answer to - it's pretty amazing!
But back to the list. Glastonbury is a mere three weeks tomorrow, and hopefully I'll be able to get rid of one of my pesky challenges - to see 10 bands I have never even heard of. I have been doing some research, and cannot wait to see Chase and Status on the Friday night. It means Saturday will be a complete write off but I actually don't care. I heart Plan B - there's nothing more to it!
So here I am, back in the blogging game, and I promise to be more consistent... But for now, it's over and out. Big love xx